Allow a standalone Chat mode in full screen
in progress
Raj Syful
Michal When can we expect to use all features in the mobile version? Any estimated time?
Raj Syful
any update>
Raj Syful
Michal I recently updated our Mac app to the latest version, but it's now opening as a Chrome extension instead of a standalone application.
Raj Syful
The "Replace Text" and hotkey features are not working on macOS. Is there an issue with the app? Michal
Raj Syful
Michal When we can upload image and documents?
Simon Reiser
any update on this? would be amazing!!
mohd Bilal
This would be awesome, You really need a standalone web app.
in progress
Frédéric Thériault
I would be awesome if this page was also easily accessible on mobile
Raj Syful
This is what Waiting for, Please So we can use it with mobile devices. Web app version should be great.
Yes please, can't wait! :-)
I love Voila but I often need to go back to ChatGPT to just have a dedicated tag with my threaded prompts. Super useful when writing code or needing to go back and add a prompt to an existing chat.
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